The Fire and Life Safety Professionals ® - Since 1911

Service Representative

Andrew Stiteler

Phone Number: 631.277.7602 Ext. 1857

Andrew R. Stiteler possesses a broad professional background encompassing extensive technical knowledge and experience in such key positions as Fire Inspector, Firefighter, Training Officer, Administrator, and Lieutenant Rescue Technician.  He has excellent communication and interpersonal skills, demonstrating the ability to lead and supervise, train and motivate personnel, and develop positive relations with co-workers and the public.

As a member of the Norristown (PA) Fire Department, Stiteler participated in annual fire safety inspections of various building types, performed fire drills at schools, assisted in the preparation and presentation of fire prevention programs to the public and participated in a wide range of emergency fire and rescue activities.

Andrew Stiteler is a member of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) and holds numerous professional certifications.

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